Thursday, October 3, 2013

Remember the ALUU4? The need to SAY NO TO VIOLENCE

"The glory of young Men is said to be in their strength, that of Old folks is in their grey hair"

About a year ago, in the Aluu community, Port Harcourt, 4 young and vibrant Nigerians were denied the opportunity to live out the aforementioned Biblical injunction when their lives were gruesomely snuffed out in a manner that the word barbaric is too subtle to describe.



Lloyd Mike, Ugonna Obuzor, Tekena Erikena and Bringa Chidiaka were wrongly accused and burnt to death by a community where they ought to find refuge, peace and security. The perpetrators, who were (may be still are) inhabitants of the said community threw caution to the wind as they gloried in the euphoria of 'meting out justice', but then, is this the way to go? Wouldn't you rather SAY NO TO JUNGLE JUSTICE?

And they burnt them like animals......


In a similar fashion, exactly a month after the Aluu killings, 4 young men were burnt alive on Vono Street, Mushin, Lagos. These incidents gradually seem to be 'normal recurrences' and Nigerians are getting used to seeing such sights without blinkering.
                       SAY NO TO JUNGLE

The ‘Civilian populace’ isn’t just the only party that has ‘enjoyed’ this evil feast over time, the Military and Para-military also take pleasure in depriving innocent individuals of the most important fundamental human right-the right to Live. If you doubt that, then ask them what happened at Apo?

The question I ask is this, if we as a Nation continue to deprive the vibrant generation of life as a result of a highly decayed Justice system, then what hope lies in the future we aspire to be? The blame shouldn’t be on the government alone, Nigerians must begin to appreciate the fact that “Justice without force is impotent, Force without Justice is tyranny”

We must begin to take seriously the value that life holds. On our part ( ), we are working on an Anti-Lynching bill, already completed, proposed to be submitted to the National Assembly for consideration and possibly ratification.

We hereby declare 5th October as a “NO TO JUNGLE JUSTICE DAY” in honor of the ALUU4.

Rest on Lloyd, Ugonna, Tekena and Chidiaka.

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Aluta continua!!!

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